Zahir Shah

Is it easier to potentially profit from an individual trade in the forex market, when you trade off lower time frames?

Many experienced traders would deliver a categoric “yes” as the answer to the question, others may deliberate for a while, before answering, “maybe”. And as is the situation with many questions, when discussing and seeking the answer to such binary/black and white questions, both responses would potentially be correct, in our highly complex world of

Is it easier to potentially profit from an individual trade in the forex market, when you trade off lower time frames? Read More »

If you’re just starting Trading Forex, what do you expect to achieve and how can we ensure Forex trading matches our expectations?

If you’re just starting to take your first steps in our forex industry, then welcome to our fascinating, challenging, at times frustrating, but incredibly rewarding industry. The vast majority of us will probably discover retail forex trading by accident, as much as by design. We may stumble across trading through an introduction, or through an

If you’re just starting Trading Forex, what do you expect to achieve and how can we ensure Forex trading matches our expectations? Read More »

Forex as a Future activity, where can it take us, how will the industry look?

As we’re fond of reminding clients; retail forex trading (as a concept), is both a very young activity and business. In many ways it’s a miracle, an accident of birth. It’s as if a Big Bang took place, approximately eighteen years back, as the internet began to become mainstream, to create what’s now become a

Forex as a Future activity, where can it take us, how will the industry look? Read More »

Are the movements in forex pairs and the currency market, more random than other trading instruments?

It’s a common reference, which we constantly read and hear relating to currency trading; that currency pairs move in a more random nature in comparison to other securities, such as; equities, precious metals and commodities. That belief is often taken one stage further, as many traders are of the opinion that certain currency pairs not

Are the movements in forex pairs and the currency market, more random than other trading instruments? Read More »

What are the things you must have for Forex trading?

How to avoid the four main reasons that lead to quitting Forex Trading

As highlighted in previous articles, the dropout rate for traders in our industry is frustratingly high and frighteningly quick. It’s frustrating to us analysts and advisors, because it’s needless and most traders exit because of self-sabotage. They continually fail to take on board the sound advice which is constantly delivered to them and continue to

How to avoid the four main reasons that lead to quitting Forex Trading Read More »