Currency Trading

  • Currency Trading Transactions 101

    Currency Trading Transactions 101

    Sep 24, 12 • 5418 Views • Currency Trading 1 Comment

    Currency Trading a.k.a. Foreign exchange trading or Forex trading is a specialized endeavor. The participants of the same, whether they are full time, part time or moonlighters are therefore considered professionals. As such, they have their own jargon when...

  • Currency Trading Frequently Asked Questions

    Sep 24, 12 • 4908 Views • Currency Trading Comments Off on Currency Trading Frequently Asked Questions

    This article will discuss frequently asked questions about currency trading; otherwise known as Forex trading. This is by no means an exhaustive article about every FAQ relevant to Forex trading. Rather, its goal is to present the same in a way that will...

  • Foreign Exchange Rates and Market Influences

    Aug 16, 12 • 4933 Views • Currency Trading Comments Off on Foreign Exchange Rates and Market Influences

    There is great volatility in the foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange rates can fluctuate in a matter of minutes or even seconds – some can move by as little as a fraction of one currency unit and some by drastic amounts of several currency units....

  • Foreign Exchange Rates – Factors Affecting Rates

    Aug 16, 12 • 5711 Views • Currency Trading 1 Comment

    Forex is one of the most volatile markets today. Foreign exchange rates can change within seconds, making it important for individuals to make the right call within the right time frame. Should they miss that, then their chances of earning a profit may be...

  • Make Money by Trading Money (Currency Trading)

    Aug 16, 12 • 4697 Views • Currency Trading Comments Off on Make Money by Trading Money (Currency Trading)

    Currency trading, more popularly known as foreign exchange trading or Forex trading, is defined as the act of buying and/or selling of currencies in order to take advantage of the difference in price and more particularly in the fluctuations of one currency...

  • 4 Tips to Remember if You Want to Make Money on Currency Trading

    Aug 16, 12 • 4855 Views • Currency Trading 2 Comments

    Currency trading, a.k.a. Forex trading involves dealing in foreign exchange currencies, usually in currency pairs. The goal is to use the difference between the price of one currency as opposed to another and as a whole. Much like any other enterprise, if you...

  • Currency Calculators are Essential Business Tools

    Jul 7, 12 • 4105 Views • Currency Trading Comments Off on Currency Calculators are Essential Business Tools

    Currency Calculators are essentially currency converters. They are used mainly to determine how much a currency is worth in terms of the currency of another country. They are simple but essential business tools used by travelers and traders who transact...

  • How to Start Currency Trading

    Jul 6, 12 • 4990 Views • Currency Trading 2 Comments

    Currency Trading has been going on for years now but it still a fairly new concept to individuals who have been used to equity trading. Although both basically deal with buying and selling, the two industries are actually very different and is why stock...

  • Benefits of Currency Trading

    Jul 6, 12 • 4849 Views • Currency Trading Comments Off on Benefits of Currency Trading

    Currency Trading has a very strong pull on people nowadays thanks to the many benefits it is believed to carry. The internet is full of individuals who promise that they managed to obtain numerous perks thanks to trading in the currency market. The question...

  • 6 Currency Trading Tips and Tricks

    Jul 6, 12 • 6293 Views • Currency Trading 3 Comments

    Currency Trading is a skill that develops overtime as individuals learn to assess and make decisions based on the different information presented to them. Note however that the market changes from time to time and are why the best traders make sure that they...