February 2012

Forex Market Commentaries - Taking A Bite Of Apple

Hedge Funds Are Surviving On A Low Calorie Diet By Taking A Bite Of Apple

“A hedge fund is an investment fund that can undertake a wider range of investment and trading activities than other funds, but which is only open for investment from particular types of investors specified by regulators. These investors are typically institutions, such as pension funds, university endowments and foundations, or high net worth individuals. As

Hedge Funds Are Surviving On A Low Calorie Diet By Taking A Bite Of Apple Read More »

U.S. Jobs Going Postal

There’s a sad irony that on the day when the USA BLS (bureau of labour statistics) publishes their latest unemployment figures the U.S. postal service announces that the closure of nearly half of its mailing plants will take place over the next twelve months. The claim from the BLS is that only 5.4% of the

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Forex Market Commentaries - Is It Open Season On The Banks?

Will It Be Open Season On The Banks As Reporting Season Starts?

The Greece debacle has (temporarily) been quietly shifted from the front page of both financial and popular news, it’s now left to the Greeks to cope with the impossible, inter-generational, insoluble financial burden their unelected technocrats have agreed to on their behalf. The indirect bank and bondholder bailout, that’s been agreed in order that Greece

Will It Be Open Season On The Banks As Reporting Season Starts? Read More »