Forex Trading and Miscellaneous

Forex Trading Articles from FXCC – Forex Trading Articles to make You a Better Forex Trader. How to Trade Forex, Forex Trading Strategies & Best Practices

Forex Trading Articles - Back Testing Forex Strategies

Take A Step In The Right Direction With Your Back-Testing

Many successful traders share consistent habits, one deeply ingrained habit will be thorough backtesting of their trading strategies. Backtesting your trading strategy can never guarantee profitability, but as with many of the themes we cover as part of our trader education series, backtesting is an essential part of any professional trader’s armoury. In this article

Take A Step In The Right Direction With Your Back-Testing Read More »

How to Pick the Best Forex Pair to Trade?

Why Only Trading The Major FX Pairs And Commodity Price Pairs Makes Perfect Sense

So what are we 'selling or buying' in our forex markets? The answer is "nothing" our retail FX market is purely a speculative market. No physical exchange of currencies ever takes place. All trades exist simply as computer entries and are netted out depending on market price. The banks provide the liquidity we trade that

Why Only Trading The Major FX Pairs And Commodity Price Pairs Makes Perfect Sense Read More »

Forex Articles - Trading in a Political Storm

When you trade through a political storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark

Please accept my apologies in advance for altering a lyric of "You'll Never Walk Alone" a show tune from the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel. In the musical, Nettie Fowler, the cousin of the female protagonist Julie Jordan, sings "You'll Never Walk Alone" to comfort Julie when her husband, Billy Bigelow, the male lead,

When you trade through a political storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark Read More »

Forex Articles - Why Trade Forex

Why Forex?

Faced with a vast array of markets and securities to trade it's small wonder that retail traders often ask why they should specialise in forex and not equities, futures, or commodities? What are the major benefits to trading forex over and above trading other markets? What has underpinned the massive growth in the retail forex

Why Forex? Read More »

Forex Trading Articles - Price Action Forex Trading

The Price Actionistas

Price action is one of the most charismatic and enigmatic definitions to describe a mechanism for trading the markets, particularly the forex market. Whilst many traders and ‘price action aficionados’ may disagree on the interpretation of the ‘raw’ data generated off the vanilla charts they will agree that price action is their only preferred method

The Price Actionistas Read More »