October 2013

European car sales rally 5.5%, whilst the markets now wait and hope for a debt ceiling resolution

There was good news from the European car sector in this mornings financial news, European sales have improved by 5.5%. However, that news needs tempering with the realisation that the numbers bounced up from an incredibly low point reached during the summer months.  Sales rose 5.5% during September compared to a year ago, making it

European car sales rally 5.5%, whilst the markets now wait and hope for a debt ceiling resolution Read More »

Fitch Places United States’ ‘AAA’ on Rating Watch Negative

Finally one of the most respected rating agencies has broken rank over the USA debt ceiling deadlock by technically lowering the USA credit rating. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had stated on Tuesday evening (USA time) that the major credit rating agencies were considering a downgrade of the United States “as early as tonight,” as

Fitch Places United States’ ‘AAA’ on Rating Watch Negative Read More »

Morning rally pushes Germany’s DAX to a record high, while France’s CAC is at a five-year high.

Europe’s major stock indices are higher this morning, on hopes that the progress made in Washington last night between the opposing Democrats and Republicans will eventually translate into a debt ceiling and budget deal. Senate majority leader Harry Reid increased hopes of a deal last night telling reporters that he and minority leader Mitch McConnell

Morning rally pushes Germany’s DAX to a record high, while France’s CAC is at a five-year high. Read More »

When trading the markets is it better to have a loser’s mentality rather than a winner’s mentality?

We’ve all seen those “you can be a winner in FX trading with the right mentality” articles on broker websites and on trading forums. They’re generally penned with a motivational style approach and usually accompanied by images of well dressed, clean cut, good looking traders, giving each other a ‘high five’ over banks of computers

When trading the markets is it better to have a loser’s mentality rather than a winner’s mentality? Read More »

President Obama; “if GOP can’t resolve debt standoff, we stand a good chance of default”

At least once a year traders appear to suffer from a malaise, they become stuck in a market vacuum and it’s not of their own making. It only seems like yesterday that many of us in the analyst community were fretting with regards to the fiscal cliff in the USA, it’ll be approximately eleven months

President Obama; “if GOP can’t resolve debt standoff, we stand a good chance of default” Read More »

Will the best day of 2013 for the Dow, due to the possible debt deal, extend into Friday’s trading sessions?

The DJIA rose 2.2% yesterday, by far its best day in 2013. However, with president Obama not making any real tangible improvement with his opposite numbers in the Republican Party, the huge boost in market sentiment experienced on Thursday could evaporate quickly once USA markets open this afternoon. On closer examination nothing actually changed to

Will the best day of 2013 for the Dow, due to the possible debt deal, extend into Friday’s trading sessions? Read More »