October 2013

How having a 9-5 job can help with your trading and how to adapt to a work/trade balance…

The majority of retail traders are part time, actually there’s an argument to be had that all full time traders are in fact part time traders, they’re simply pretending to be full time whilst looking busy, as once you’re successful your chart watching time and overall engagement with the market becomes negligible, but that ‘posturing’ […]

How having a 9-5 job can help with your trading and how to adapt to a work/trade balance… Read More »

News that the debt ceiling ‘can’ may be kicked down the road caused the DJIA to smash through R3…

There was quite a dramatic moment in the senate committee hearing where Jack Lew took centre stage on Thursday, Democrat senator Maria Cantwell produced a graph of America’s short-term borrowing costs, showing a spike in interest rates over recent days… She stated that people don’t realise the implications of America’s credit-worthiness being questioned, quoting an

News that the debt ceiling ‘can’ may be kicked down the road caused the DJIA to smash through R3… Read More »

‘Humbled’ Janet Yellen is determined to help hardest-hit Americans

During yesterday’s White House conference, President Obama praised current Fed chairman Ben Bernanke as he winds down towards his leaving in January 2014 for leading the US through; [quote]“some of the most daunting circumstances of a lifetime. He has truly been a stabilizing force, not only for our country, but for the entire world.”[/quote] Describing

‘Humbled’ Janet Yellen is determined to help hardest-hit Americans Read More »

Is trading really that difficult or do we make it difficult? Can trading less equal more?

I’m probably not alone in occasionally (mentally) re-visiting my first few months of full -time trading. Looking back it was a torrid time. I’d watched the industry I’d dedicated over a decade to, the mortgage industry in the UK, collapse as the 2007/2008 crises hit. Having specialized in creating mortgage leads from websites I knew

Is trading really that difficult or do we make it difficult? Can trading less equal more? Read More »

Janet Yellen’s nomination, to replace Ben Bernake in January 2014, calms and distracts markets from the ongoing debt ceiling crisis…

The DJIA index appeared to briefly escape the clutches and stranglehold of the debt ceiling crisis on Wednesday. The Whitehouse, getting back to the normal business of nominating (or more likely announcing ) Janet Yellen to the position of Chairman of The Fed, appeared to both add an aura of calm and perhaps a ‘healthy’

Janet Yellen’s nomination, to replace Ben Bernake in January 2014, calms and distracts markets from the ongoing debt ceiling crisis… Read More »

USA consumer confidence evaporates whilst UK manufacturing finds reverse gear

It’s noticeable just how fickle consumer confidence is in the USA when faced with a political and economic crisis. Similar to many analysts and market commentators, in this column we’ve long held the view that the USA economy had topped out and was only moving forward due to the QE to infinity programme Ben Bernanke,

USA consumer confidence evaporates whilst UK manufacturing finds reverse gear Read More »

Aim high or aim low, what’s a reasonable (annual) profit target to aim for as a new FX trader?

It’s no wonder that new traders quickly develop unrealistic ambitions once they’ve committed to enter the FX market as a trader. If they find FX by way of links to various forums, or by searching through search engines such as Google, they’re initially bombarded with adverts promising riches beyond their wildest dreams. And lately, with

Aim high or aim low, what’s a reasonable (annual) profit target to aim for as a new FX trader? Read More »

IMF lowers its global growth targets and warns USA of debt ceiling impasse

The IMF finally added its voice to the opinions of; APEC, Chinese officials, Japanese officials, Goldman Sachs, the USA Treasury chief, and other assorted bank chiefs and analysts regarding the debt ceiling. There was one other voice who added his opinion later in the day on Tuesday; in the gravest of tones president Obama made

IMF lowers its global growth targets and warns USA of debt ceiling impasse Read More »

How accepting responsibility and taking the ‘blame’ for your trading losses can lead to enlightenment…

UK winter will be officially recognised as the clocks ‘move forward’ by an hour at the end of October. This cultural relic ensures that it’ll go darker in the UK an hour earlier; instead of the UK skies darkening at approx. 5:30 p.m. they’ll darken at approx. 4:30 p.m. The original idea behind the concept

How accepting responsibility and taking the ‘blame’ for your trading losses can lead to enlightenment… Read More »