October 2011

Forex Trading Articles - Forex Candlestick Trading

Candles in the wind, a brief introduction to candlestick trading methods

As with many subjects in trading one article could not possibly cover all the intricacies involved, the subject of candlestick charting in trading is one such vast and complex subject. What will follow will be a brief history of the origins of candlesticks in trading, a listing of the key candlestick formations (and their interpretation) […]

Candles in the wind, a brief introduction to candlestick trading methods Read More »

Forex Trading Articles - Ego in Forex Trading

Letting That Bad Forex Trade Go By Leaving Ego Out Of The Equation

Whilst a stopped clock is right twice a day that’s a luxury we never experience when forex trading. There are many personal events that shape your evolution as a forex trader and there’ll be many intense moments that can induce a form of shock therapy indirectly leading to a steep acceleration of your learning curve.

Letting That Bad Forex Trade Go By Leaving Ego Out Of The Equation Read More »

“Capitalism has Destroyed our Belief in any Effective Power but That of Self-Interest Backed by Force.”

“Capitalism has destroyed our belief in any effective power but that of self interest backed by force.” – George Bernard Shaw.. I experienced a surreal moment when channel hopping late on Friday evening. I’d switched on the tv to catch up on the news and began flicking through the various news channels. When I left

“Capitalism has Destroyed our Belief in any Effective Power but That of Self-Interest Backed by Force.” Read More »