Zahir Shah

Fundamental analysis of Markit Economics’ PMI data

Fundamental analysis can be broken down into several sectors and sections within its overall, umbrella description. There’s data procured and published by governments, or quasi governmental  bodies, such as the: UK’s ONS (official national statistics), Eurostat (self explanatory) and the BLS (bureau of labour statistics) in the USA, who are responsible for the publication of […]

Fundamental analysis of Markit Economics’ PMI data Read More »

Testing your ability to forecast the impact of an upcoming fundamental news event

Experienced and successful traders (you can’t be one without being the other), will always testify that it’s fundamentals that drive our FX markets and many of us in the analyst community will never tire of constantly reminding you that the economic calendar is one of the most valuable tools at your disposal. As a simple

Testing your ability to forecast the impact of an upcoming fundamental news event Read More »

Why are you trading, what’s your goal, what’s your end game?

Many of us recoil when confronted with motivational talking and writing, particularly when it’s aimed at us FX traders. You’ll recognise the style of writing by now; “stay positive and think your way to profitability”, “you can win big, if you dream bigger”, “use the rocket, but aim past the stars”. There’s many other equally

Why are you trading, what’s your goal, what’s your end game? Read More »

How to Calculate Risk Per Trade?

Understanding the risk warning and identifying the risks

Forex brokers should take their responsibilities seriously, that’s why most go to careful lengths to explain the process and the overall risks involved with trading to their customers. In fact the message and narrative regarding risk is often that harsh and stark you’d be forgiven for thinking that brokers are attempting to put potential clients

Understanding the risk warning and identifying the risks Read More »

What Renaissance Technologies can teach the retail Forex Trader

The word “Renaissance” means rebirth in French. The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th to the 17th century, regarded as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history. That bridge; between a bygone age and the modern history currently being shaped around us, is a highly relevant subject in

What Renaissance Technologies can teach the retail Forex Trader Read More »