Zahir Shah

The life of a Forex Trader

Retail trading from home can be a lonely activity. Let’s be honest, even if you’re incredibly successful, your spouse and nearest and dearest won’t be that interested in the mechanics involved in trading, beyond the profits. Trying to hold a conversation involving a discussion on: spreads, indicators, technical and fundamental analysis, coding your MetaTrader platform,

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Doji Candlestick Pattern Recognition

The Heikin Ashi candlestick and its purpose in Forex trading

We love to experiment as traders, if we didn’t have that capacity for intellectual curiosity and experimentation, then it’s highly unlikely we’d discover markets to invest in, or trade forex. Naturally, as part of our voyage of discovery, we begin to play around with all the component parts that make up what we’d describe as

The Heikin Ashi candlestick and its purpose in Forex trading Read More »

Misinterpretation in Forex Trading and how to limit your Risk

This misinterpretation in forex trading; the amount of futile effort and energy that’s been expended, the hundreds of thousands of hours spent, trying to discover the elusive holy grail of trading, is a sobering thought. The wasted time and effort that’s been consumed, is made even worse by the realisation that no such perfect 100%

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