March 2012

Daily Forex News - Oil Embargo Hurting Insurers

Oil Embargo Hitting Insurers And Having Effects On Iran Oil Shipments

Japan, South Korea and international cargo ship insurers are lobbying ECU officials to revise planned sanctions against Iran to permit Europe’s insurance market to cover Iranian oil cargos. The EU oil embargo due to come into effect in July to stop ECU members from importing Iranian oil would also stop EU insurers and reinsurers from

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Forex Market Commentaries - The FED Is Your Friend

The FED Is Your Friend

Remember the Fed is your Friend. Those who follow it are often rewarded with handsome profits. It is not as easy as it seems on the surface because the Federal Reserve Bank does not directly advise on gold, silver, stocks and bonds. To understand the Fed one must know the language, the “lingo” the “jargon”

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