Forex Trading and Miscellaneous

Forex Trading Articles from FXCC – Forex Trading Articles to make You a Better Forex Trader. How to Trade Forex, Forex Trading Strategies & Best Practices

Forex Articles - Positive Mental Attitude

PMA, maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude regarding your positive expectancy

Now before you switch off having read the title thinking; " here we go, another 'happy-clappy' you can change the world type PMA trading article" that's not the intention, bear with me.. As individual traders we are (at heart) entrepreneurs, we often forget that simple fact, particularly when we get discouraged. We are running our […]

PMA, maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude regarding your positive expectancy Read More »

Forex Trading Articles The Compounding Myth

The best laid plans of mice and men…and the myth of compounding

[quote]The power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world[/quote] [quote]Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results[/quote] It's fascinating to consider how myths originate, for example, both of the two quotes above are attributed to Albert Einstein, however, the second quote might not be, credit could be

The best laid plans of mice and men…and the myth of compounding Read More »

ECN Forex Trading by FXCC

ECN Forex

Is there a better way to trade the forex markets? Well Yes there is and it goes by the name of ECN forex. One of the biggest trends in the world of currency exchange has been toward an ECN forex environment or Electronic Communication Network. Loosely defined, an ECN forex broker is a bridge between

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ECN Forex Trading - FXCC

ECN Forex Trading

The traditional forex broker tends to be based on a dealing desk model. Dealing desk brokers take actual positions on the markets and in many cases will actually take the opposite position to a client’s position. Effectively, taking opposite positions means your profits are the brokers loss. Flip that around a bit and your losses

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