Are we heading for a recession? What to expect in the coming months?

Are we heading for a recession? What to expect in the coming months?

A recession is a period of declining GDP that lasts for two or more consecutive quarters.

It is defined as a time between a peak in economic activity and the subsequent low or lowest point involving a significant drop in economic activity that is widespread and lasts more than a few months.

Recessions are caused by factors other than decelerating economic growth. They are commonly associated with several other characteristics. These include more job losses, less available jobs, and more state assistance.

Is it prudent to invest during a recession?

During a recession, stock prices frequently fall. This is terrible news for a current portfolio, but leaving investments alone means not selling to lock in recession-related losses.

Furthermore, decreased stock prices provide an excellent opportunity to invest for a reasonable price (relatively speaking). As a result, investing during a downturn can be advantageous. 

Are we on the verge of a recession? 

The recession is a threat that stocks have never been able to withstand a storm.

Pressure on economics increases as oil prices rise again as policymakers tighten sanctions against Russia, yield curves signaling growing concern about overgrowth and fears of a liquidity crunch similar to that seen in 2008 as the dollar rises. If a full-fledged recession occurs, equities will find it more challenging to remain resourceful.

US global stocks fell as much as 2.9 percent, wiping out gains made lately as fears that the geopolitical crisis in Europe would slow global economic growth replaced speculation that central banks would ease off on tightening policy. Getting that judgment right can be the difference between a 36 percent plunge during the typical bear-market decline and a more moderate decline.

When will the ‘everything bubble’ pop?

To predict when the next, we need to understand how the Fed Reserve creates unsustainable surges and why the subsequent collapse could be imminent. Some flashing signs can tell whether the light is red or green, such as;

The yield curve

It is one of the most observed financial indicators, and it usually predicts a recession within a year. The yield curve shows how short-term and long-term interest rates are related.

When short-term rates are lower than long-term rates, the yield curve is often upward sloping, as it is today, showing a significant amount of liquidity in the financial markets.

Identifying the right time

One of the best leading indicators of a deep recession is the rate of unemployment. The unemployment rate is currently decreasing from its anticipated top in early 2020 and has reached levels that have traditionally heralded the start of a cyclical boom’s conclusion.

The unemployment statistic has been affected by lockdowns, but the historical pattern shows that a recession is imminent when the jobless rate approaches 3% and rises.

What to look for?

There are indications that the journey may not be as smooth this time. Oil prices, the yield curve, and the Federal Reserve’s predicted policy tightening are signs that the global economy may be squeezed in unique ways as policymakers deal with the ongoing pandemic, inflation, and now geopolitical tensions that may be at their worst level since WWII.