June 2020

Can you be a successful forex trader?

What are the personality traits of successful Forex traders?

How personality traits effect trader performance has been a longstanding discussion point within the trading community, since the birth of the industry. Moreover, because certain personality traits can evolve and develop as we mature, the traits we require in order to become successful traders may require attention and modification as we recognize their impact during

What are the personality traits of successful Forex traders? Read More »

Discovering the critical success factors needed when trading Forex

Discovering the critical success factors needed when trading Forex

Chasing the elusive holy grail of trading is a thankless task. It doesn’t take too much time for novice traders to discover that there is no magic elixir, there’s no bullet proof trading strategy that delivers a 100% success rate. However, novice traders who are quick on the update, will quickly realize that there are

Discovering the critical success factors needed when trading Forex Read More »