September 2013

Will talk of tapering be replaced by the new conversation regarding the USA debt ceiling?

Friday is the infamous anniversary of the introduction of open ended quantitative easing, the monetary easing experiment that was intended to stimulate the USA economy from the bottom up by way of $85 billion of monetary stimulus each month. The failure to stimulate the economy has been of epic proportions, growth in the USA has

Will talk of tapering be replaced by the new conversation regarding the USA debt ceiling? Read More »

USA Unemployment Claims Drop…Because Two States’ Computers Were Off The Grid

We’re ‘big’ on fundamentals at FXCC. When we offer advice and commentary on trading FX, commodities and indices, we know that fundamentals have a massive impact on the direction of the markets. Naturally we pay attention to the high impact news events and key policy decisions made by central banks and governments. Readers may have

USA Unemployment Claims Drop…Because Two States’ Computers Were Off The Grid Read More »

Mortgage applications plunge in the USA as mortgage rates jump, New Zealand central bank keeps base rate at 2.5%

There are many times when the UK takes its economic lead from the USA. The USA appeared to ‘enjoy’ a secular rally in house prices and mortgage applications late 2012 and early 2013. That renewed impetus had many analysts fearing that a repetition of the boom and bust of 2008 could re-occur. However, lately the

Mortgage applications plunge in the USA as mortgage rates jump, New Zealand central bank keeps base rate at 2.5% Read More »

Ever Had A Fear Of Pulling The Trigger When Trading? Then Let Us Offer Up A Few Solutions

There’s a fairly common affliction that affects many traders and the problem tends to affect inexperienced traders the most; it’s the fear of actually pulling the trigger on a potential trade when your set up occurs… Although the affliction mostly affects inexperienced traders there are times when successful traders can also experience the fear. In

Ever Had A Fear Of Pulling The Trigger When Trading? Then Let Us Offer Up A Few Solutions Read More »

Mid Morning European Session Update Pre New York Opening

Manuel Barroso suggests banking reform and believes Europe’s economic woes are nearly over, whilst European shares approach three year high. Manuel Barroso, the president of the European Commission, has delivered a ‘state of the union speech’ in Strasbourg this morning. Manuel Barroso’s speech came after grave predictions that Greece will need further help at least

Mid Morning European Session Update Pre New York Opening Read More »

Global Equities Rise For The Seventh Day, The Longest In Over Two Years..

A potential solution to the growing threat of force versus the Assad regime by the USA added calm to global equity markets. Added to this potentially positive news data published from China, suggesting that the Chinese economy is once again in growth mode, encouraged a ‘risk on’ sentiment to envelope global markets on Tuesday. China’s

Global Equities Rise For The Seventh Day, The Longest In Over Two Years.. Read More »

French Industrial Production Misses Expectations Whilst China’s Exceeds Expectations At 10.4%…

France served up two disappointing sets of data and information this morning; a government minister admitted that the 2013 deficit will miss its target, whilst industrial production missed the expectations of the economists polled in a recent survey. Once again this survey and comments suggests that certain European countries, such as France, have some way

French Industrial Production Misses Expectations Whilst China’s Exceeds Expectations At 10.4%… Read More »