November 2017

U.S. equities rally as Trump’s tax cuts proposal passes first hurdle, most currencies prove impossible to day trade on Thursday, as price action is nonexistent

The main equity indices in the USA rallied on Thursday, as the proposed tax cuts, which were at the heart of Trump’s election manifesto, passed through the first governmental process, as the Senate House passed the Republican Party’s first version of the bill. The opposition Democrats may put up resistance to the bill and its […]

U.S. equities rally as Trump’s tax cuts proposal passes first hurdle, most currencies prove impossible to day trade on Thursday, as price action is nonexistent Read More »

The importance of properly utilizing indicators when Trading Forex

Discussing various trading methods and strategies with fellow traders, can prove to be a fascinating and enjoyable exercise. Many of us more experienced traders, will enjoy conversing with novice traders, who think they’ve discovered the infamous holy grail of trading. We don’t engage with them in order to indulge in some form of righteous smugness,

The importance of properly utilizing indicators when Trading Forex Read More »

USA equity indices fall, as investors struggle to find direction, U.S. dollar falls versus several major peers, gold surrenders daily gains in New York session

With corporate earnings season effectively over, the tax cuts initiative unlikely to be made law (in the form Trump wanted) any time soon and the December FOMC rate setting meeting beginning to focus minds, investors in U.S. equities have been struggling to justify reasons to bid markets up over recent days. Doubts are also beginning

USA equity indices fall, as investors struggle to find direction, U.S. dollar falls versus several major peers, gold surrenders daily gains in New York session Read More »

Euro rises due to strong GDP figures, sterling initially falls as inflation misses forecast, casting doubts on further BoE rate rises

Tuesday proved to be an incredibly busy day for high impact economic calendar news events, with the majority of the Eurozone hard data releases either meeting or beating forecasts, ensuring that the euro rose significantly versus its major peers. EUR/USD rose by circa 1.5% on the day, its largest one day gain since June 27th

Euro rises due to strong GDP figures, sterling initially falls as inflation misses forecast, casting doubts on further BoE rate rises Read More »

Sterling slides as U.K. prime minister sees authority weakened, U.S. dollar rises as FOMC December meeting edges nearer

The U.K. pound came under pressure on Monday morning, as the two week E.U. deadline ultimatum issued on Friday, immediately effected trader sentiment when Asian markets opened, and the sell off continued until late afternoon. Theresa May’s authority came under pressure as ministers briefed against her over the weekend and more Brexit complication also emerged

Sterling slides as U.K. prime minister sees authority weakened, U.S. dollar rises as FOMC December meeting edges nearer Read More »

The Eurozone GDP figure released on Tuesday, could direct ECB policy in 2018

Tuesday morning is an incredibly busy session for high impact economic calendar releases. Before moving onto the key release of the day; Eurozone GDP, it’s essential that we quickly cover all the other releases which occur on, or before 10:00am GMT. Germany’s latest GDP figure is published, expected to come in at 2.3% YoY growth

The Eurozone GDP figure released on Tuesday, could direct ECB policy in 2018 Read More »

Will sterling react to the E.U. ultimatum, delivered on Friday to the U.K. government?

Last week ended with several of the ongoing, global, political situations still dominating the political landscape; the U.K. political turmoil in the Tory Party, Brexit, USA tax cuts, and Catalonia, were the key issues of last week and will take centre stage over the next few days and weeks, until some form of resolution is

Will sterling react to the E.U. ultimatum, delivered on Friday to the U.K. government? Read More »

WEEKLY MARKET SNAPSHOT 13/11-17/11|GDP figures for Germany, EZ and Japan, combined with CPIs published by the EZ, Canada and the USA, mark out the coming week as highly significant

The main focus over the coming week involves the GDPs and CPIs of several leading economies being published, whilst unemployment, employment and annual wage rise data will also have significance. Tuesday appears to be the key day for FX traders to remain focused and highly vigilant. Germany’s, Italy’s and the wider Eurozone’s GDP readings will

WEEKLY MARKET SNAPSHOT 13/11-17/11|GDP figures for Germany, EZ and Japan, combined with CPIs published by the EZ, Canada and the USA, mark out the coming week as highly significant Read More »

European equity markets close down sharply, U.S. markets and the dollar follow suit, as Trump’s tax bill looks doomed, gold rises in safe haven trade

U.S. equities and the dollar sold off on Thursday as the U.S. Senate indicated that it could take up to 2019 in order for a tax plan to be fully ratified, moreover, the government lawmakers were suggesting that the final policy (when brought into law), would not resemble Trump’s outline plan whatsoever. The tech heavy

European equity markets close down sharply, U.S. markets and the dollar follow suit, as Trump’s tax bill looks doomed, gold rises in safe haven trade Read More »