ECN Forex Trading - FXCC

ECN Forex Trading

The traditional forex broker tends to be based on a dealing desk model. Dealing desk brokers take actual positions on the markets and in many cases will actually take the opposite position to a client’s position.

Effectively, taking opposite positions means your profits are the brokers loss. Flip that around a bit and your losses becomes the brokers profit.

That’s been the norm for as long as dealing brokers have been around. That’s the reason this kind of broker is also lovingly referred to as a Market Maker. They put their own particular spin on the market and bend things to suit their own particular needs.

FXCC on the other hand operates as a true ECN forex broker. We take the raw price feeds coming into our system from our banks and run these through our price aggregator. This is a sophisticated piece of equipment, with one single goal in life.

Scan the prices from our banks and display the best combination of Bid and Ask prices. One of our banks might be offering a great Bid price but their Ask price might not be so hot.

Vice versa, a different bank might have a great Ask price and, well, you can guess the rest.

Our price aggregator sorts things out so our traders end up with the best Bid/Ask price combinations.


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The FXCC piece of the pie comes from a commission per trade. We don’t plump up spreads and we don’t manipulate prices. We don’t need to. We don’t have a dealing desk to worry about.

Like our price aggregator – we’re pretty single minded. The best possible prices and the lowest possible spreads.

Making your slice of the pie that bit sweeter and that’s never a bad thing.

Our price aggregator engine