Forex Trading Articles

  • Firex Trading - FXCC

    Playing the ball and not the man

    Sep 5, 11 • 9480 Views • Forex Trading Articles Comments Off on Playing the ball and not the man

    Most traders and speculators are prone to succumbing too and gravitating towards discussion forums. Trading gossip, news, getting advice, comparing methods and strategies, appraising services and brokers generally form the bulk of the discussion subject...

  • Forex Trading - Forex Trader Development

    The four corners of trader development

    Sep 5, 11 • 10958 Views • Forex Trading Articles 7 Comments

    After practicing an overlapping drill last Friday with my football youth team I reminded one of the seventeen year olds, who I’ve known and coached since the age of five, that the first time we did this drill he was seven. In fact his memory of the...

  • ECN Forex Trading by FXCC

    ECN Forex

    Apr 5, 11 • 5394 Views • Forex Trading Articles Comments Off on ECN Forex

    Is there a better way to trade the forex markets? Well Yes there is and it goes by the name of ECN forex. One of the biggest trends in the world of currency exchange has been toward an ECN forex environment or Electronic Communication Network. Loosely...

  • Forex Articles - The World of Forex

    The Weird and Wonderful World of Forex

    Mar 29, 11 • 9821 Views • Forex Trading Articles 2 Comments

    Use a dealing desk forex broker and at some stage you’ll probably start to notice a strange pattern emerging. Stuff that just doesn’t make any sense at all, repeated over and over again till it becomes more or less the accepted norm. This is what...

  • ECN Forex Trading - FXCC

    ECN Forex Trading

    Feb 7, 11 • 3317 Views • Forex Trading Articles Comments Off on ECN Forex Trading

    The traditional forex broker tends to be based on a dealing desk model. Dealing desk brokers take actual positions on the markets and in many cases will actually take the opposite position to a client’s position. Effectively, taking opposite positions...