Forex Indicators

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Using the Stochastics Indicator and the MACD to Create a Trading Strategy

Although the Stochastics indicator is effective in detecting trading signals when the currency market is in a trading range, it becomes more effective when combined with a compatible indicator such as the moving average convergence divergence (MACD). The two indicators work well together because Stochastics compare the closing price of a security to its price […]

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How to Trade with Stochastics Indicator Signals

If you are serious about currency trading, you should familiarize yourself with the Stochastics indicator. This indicator is also called an oscillator, because the price movement is banded in between two extreme values. What makes Stochastics popular among critics is that they are easy to use and understand, as well as being adjustable enough to

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Fast Stochastics vs. Slow Stochastics Indicators

A stochastics indicator is used as a momentum gauge for technical analysis of commodities, stocks, currencies, etc. The basic principle behind this successful indicator is that, the price range using both a specific closing day and time span can allow investors to determine swing and momentum. This article will discuss both slow moving and fast

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Why Forex Analysis Software is Your Most Essential Trading Tool

Forex analysis software is one of the most essential tools that any serious currency trader must have. Also known as charting software, these programs help the trader analyze the markets in order to find winning trades. If you open an account with a forex broker, you have the option of using their charting tool or

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Why a Weekend Forex Analysis Can Make You a Winning Trader

Although currency traders can trade on the forex markets 24 hours a day, the markets are closed on weekends. However, the best traders do not waste this time but use it productively by conducting a weekend forex analysis. Conducting this analysis allows you to become mentally prepared for another week of making profitable trades. You

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Four Forex Analysis Indicators Every Successful Currency Trader Knows

The secret of many successful currency traders is their familiarity with the various forex analysis indicators as well as the most appropriate scenarios in which they should be used. These indicators will help a trader determine just when to enter or exit a profit-making trade. Here are four market indicators that every currency trader must

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