Between the lines

  • Pot Calling Kettle Black, U.S. Authority Calls Online Poker Site a Global Ponzi Scheme

    Sep 21, 11 • 4196 Views • Between the lines Comments Off on Pot Calling Kettle Black, U.S. Authority Calls Online Poker Site a Global Ponzi Scheme

    Oh the irony. There must be many cynical readers of the various wires from Bloomberg, Reuters, The F.T etc who chuckled when they read the criticism of the poker site Full Tilt Poker. An indictment has accused three Internet poker companies; Full Tilt Poker,...

  • Daily Forex News - Between the Lines

    Ancient Greek News and Obama's 'Buffett' Tax

    Sep 19, 11 • 5207 Views • Between the lines Comments Off on Ancient Greek News and Obama's 'Buffett' Tax

    One of the drawbacks of reporting financial news is that there are times when huge macro economic events completely dominate the financial news landscape. Greece and the Euro problem are THE issue of the moment and the markets and the mainstream and financial...

  • Daily Forex News - Between the Lines

    European Finance Ministers: USA Should Get Own House in Order

    Sep 16, 11 • 6745 Views • Between the lines Comments Off on European Finance Ministers: USA Should Get Own House in Order

    “We’re taking no lectures from you” was the polite message European finance ministers and policy makers subtly delivered to USA treasury secretary Geithner on Friday during their meeting in Poland. Austrian Finance Minister Maria Fekter...

  • US Dollar Liquidity Operations Coming Up

    Sep 16, 11 • 5181 Views • Between the lines Comments Off on US Dollar Liquidity Operations Coming Up

    The outstanding news event of the day was undoubtedly the revelation that major central banks around the world will now cooperate to offer three-month U.S. dollar loans to major commercial banks in order to ensure that money markets won’t ‘freeze’ as a...

  • Greece is the Word as the Risk of Global Recession Increases to DEFCON 4

    Sep 15, 11 • 5130 Views • Between the lines Comments Off on Greece is the Word as the Risk of Global Recession Increases to DEFCON 4

    The twists and turns of the Euroland crisis are happening on an hourly basis. Greece (once again) is apparently the big issue. However, it’s fairly certain that the banks the ECB have announced it’s lending dollars to tomorrow will not be Greek. That’s...

  • USA Unemployment Leads to Rising Poverty

    Sep 14, 11 • 5046 Views • Between the lines Comments Off on USA Unemployment Leads to Rising Poverty

    Using percentage figures to describe the predicaments of unfortunate sections of society often hides and dehumanises the condition. With unemployment remaining stubbornly high (at over 9%) it comes as no surprise that news emerged today showing poverty levels...

  • Daily Forex News - Between the Lines

    Italians Wooing Chinese to Buy Italian Bonds

    Sep 13, 11 • 7999 Views • Between the lines Comments Off on Italians Wooing Chinese to Buy Italian Bonds

    Equities received a modest boost in USA in late trading on Monday evening as news emerged that Italy is apparently courting China trying to get it to buy as much of it’s ‘junk’ as possible. Apparently these negotiations have been conducted...