September 2011

Forex Market Commentatries - Australian Economy

Australia, why are the 'boom and gloom' merchants hovering and sharpening their knives?

Throughout the global financial maelstrom which has existed since 2007-2008 Australia has continually bucked the trend. Even the devastating series of floods experienced in Jan this year (2011) appeared to only temporarily knock the vast country from it’s gyroscopic reliance as a major world powerhouse. Australia’s per-capita GDP is higher than that of the UK, […]

Australia, why are the 'boom and gloom' merchants hovering and sharpening their knives? Read More »

Forex Market Commentaries - Your Can't Fool The Markets

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you'll never fool the markets all of the time

Can someone “do the math” as President Obama urged Congress? How do you re create the ten million jobs lost in the USA since 2007 with $447 billion of dollars? How do you pull these rabbits out of hats whilst keeping the debt ceiling under the radar, (which may be breached on Monday), the deficit

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you'll never fool the markets all of the time Read More »

Forex Articles - Positive Mental Attitude

PMA, maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude regarding your positive expectancy

Now before you switch off having read the title thinking; " here we go, another 'happy-clappy' you can change the world type PMA trading article" that's not the intention, bear with me.. As individual traders we are (at heart) entrepreneurs, we often forget that simple fact, particularly when we get discouraged. We are running our

PMA, maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude regarding your positive expectancy Read More »

Forex Trading Articles The Compounding Myth

The best laid plans of mice and men…and the myth of compounding

[quote]The power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world[/quote] [quote]Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results[/quote] It's fascinating to consider how myths originate, for example, both of the two quotes above are attributed to Albert Einstein, however, the second quote might not be, credit could be

The best laid plans of mice and men…and the myth of compounding Read More »

Forex Market Commentaries - The Swish of the Swiss

The Swish of the Swiss

The new or rather renewed phrase on every bodies lips after yesterday’s stunning bombshell, (delivered with precise laser guidance by the Swiss central bank), is “currency wars”. Previously this phrase had been reserved for the supposed currency disagreements between the USA administration and Chinese officials. The accusation, that the Chinese were manipulating their currency to

The Swish of the Swiss Read More »

Forex Market Commentaries - Slumping European Economies

Are the ghosts of 2008-2009 looking to haunt the markets again?

There were many amongst us in 2008-2009 who believed that insoluble medium term sovereign debt crises would be the ultimate result of rescuing the insolvent banking system by way of quantitative easing and continual bailouts (both secretive and published). As the dangerous portents of the crises return that prediction looks correct… According to a Bloomberg

Are the ghosts of 2008-2009 looking to haunt the markets again? Read More »